Stranded and Escape

Books One and Two of The Shorten Chronicles

Sophie, her dog Charlotte, and Hugo fall through the time portal into Shorten Manor a century ago.

The house and estate will soon be changed forever by a violent civil war.

Map of a moated Manor house in 1925


Book Three of The Shorten Chronicles

Sophie, Hugo, Freddy, and Charlotte are trapped in an alternate medieval Georgia in 1222 AD.

A lawless, violent kingdom, ruled by a cruel queen.

Map of an alternate medieval kingdom with castles


Book Four of the Shorten Chronicles

In 1927 Shorten Manor has become a fortress, besieged by the militia.

Map of a moated manor house with fortifications


Book Five of the Shorten Chronicles

Sophie, Hugo, Freddy, and Charlotte are searching ancient Rome for Janus’ powerful walking staff.

Nothing can prepare them for experiencing ancient Rome in 95 AD…

Ancient Rome 95 AD