Meet Charlotte
Interviews with fictional characters generally involve specific answers, as well as questions. With Charlotte, we have to interpret her answers from her body language, assisted by Sophie. We are helped by the fact that Charlotte - unlike every other character in the Shorten Chronicles - is based on a bona fide, real individual. My dog. Her breed, temperament, likes and dislikes, and her indomitable, unique personality.
And if you haven’t read Stranded yet, you really should!
Labradoodle: 25% Labrador, 75% standard poodle.
26 March.
Birth Sign
Like humans born under this sign, Charlotte likes to be the centre of attention. Aries is a fire sign and Charlotte has a typical Aries nature: passionate and inspirational. She’s uncomplicated, a bit too direct and not interested in detail. Brave and determined, she instinctively leaps into battle to defend loved ones.
Aunty Wendy’s rundown house in Buckinghamshire.
Height and Build
Slightly bigger than a Labrador, lean build.
Hair Colour
Dark brown, with natural blond highlights.
Eye Colour
Stunning gold irises.
Academic Background
Graduated from puppy school with a borderline pass.
22 in human years.
Companion (Sophie’s view).
Bodyguard (Charlotte’s view).
Relationship Status
In a committed relationship with Jack, a black Retriever, Sir Richard Lacey’s dog.
Keeping Sophie, Jack – and Hugo and Freddy – safe. Snuggles, food, sleep, not chasing balls, stealing and eating underwear (not an exhaustive list).
Regular canine: superior hearing and powers of smell compared to homo sapiens, perhaps inferior eyesight, encompassing fewer colours. Ability to move more quickly than homo sapiens, before they even register it.
Professional Veterinary Opinion
‘Practically perfect in every way.’
Knowledge of parallel universe theory, including the maths underpinning said theory
And what’s in store for her?
Like Sophie Arundel and Freddy Lacey, she’s Thursday’s child: far to go.
Exile: Book Three of The Shorten Chronicles
Wolf-Charlotte is bigger and stronger, and her bark can crumble towering town walls.